Turkish army convoy enters Syria's Idlib

  • 7 years ago
The first convoy of Turkey’s new military operation in northwestern Syria is reported to have crossed the border and set up positions in the area.

Witnesses say 30 military vehicles escorted by Syrian rebels have entered Idlib province, which is largely controlled by former al-Qaeda militants.

The operation carried out late on Thursday (Oct. 12) is part of joint efforts by Turkey, Russia and Iran to set up a de-escalation zone in Idlib and surrounding areas to help bring an end to Syria’s six-year old civil war.

Three other such ceasefire zones are already in place in the country: in Eastern Ghouta near Damascus, in central Homs, and in parts of southern Syria.

The goal is to contain fighting between Syrian rebels – which include groups backed by Turkey – and Bashar Al Assad’s government, which is supported by both Moscow and Tehran.
