Qual sera o presente de aniversario que o Paulinho Escolheu? Paulinho sai em busca do seu presente de aniversario na loja de brinquedos, faz um lanchinho no Mcdonalds e ganha 2 bonecos dos Transformes. Na loja de brinquedos vimos vários brinquedos; Lego, Nerf, Playmobil, Mesa de Toto e etc. Paulinho fez aniversario em 1 de junho e o presente dele esta muito atrasado :)\r
What will be the birthday gift that Paulinho chose? Paulinho goes looking for his birthday present at the toy store, makes a snack at Mcdonalds and wins 2 Transformers dolls. In the toy store we saw several toys; Lego, Nerf, Playmobil, Toto table and etc.
What will be the birthday gift that Paulinho chose? Paulinho goes looking for his birthday present at the toy store, makes a snack at Mcdonalds and wins 2 Transformers dolls. In the toy store we saw several toys; Lego, Nerf, Playmobil, Toto table and etc.