• 8 years ago
This is some footage that didnt quite make the final cut, primarily because there wasnt enough space to incorporate the entire segment in my opinion. Originally I wanted to include an entire section focused on femininity within a male dominated culture. It would talk about how women with a lot of tattoos are often perceived by others, their relationship preferences, how hard it is to maintain those relationships as well as being the best at what they do in something traditionally masculine. A couple of the artists were single mothers as well, so we talked about how they balance that part of life as well. Unfortunately there were somethings we needed that we couldnt get and we couldnt figure out how to make this segment flow seamlessly with the rest of the film. It didnt make sense to just put it in, if it didnt flow. Women are still represented in the film and now here is some additional footage for your viewing pleasure.\r
This interview was done in new with body piercers Brittany Slam and B. Girard. They both also from time to time take awesome photos for magazines, that showcase the possibility of a women wearing a body full of tattoos and having people recognize the beauty in it. Here you will see us discuss questions like: How does the outside world perceive you? What type of men do you attr? What will you do when you are old and have all those tattoos? What tattoo means the most to you?\r
Its a very candid discussion that is sure to open eyes of males and females about not only these women but all women with tattoos.\r
For more info on the full length film go to:\r


