Shia LaBeouf Gets Probation in Public Drunkenness Arrest

  • 7 years ago
There he is: Shia LaBeouf, all dressed up and ready for court.

The Fury star appeared in front of a judge to answer charges stemming from his July arrest in Savannah, Georgia… in which he failed to comply with an officer’s request to leave a market.

He pleaded guilty to obstruction and no contest to disorderly conduct according to TMZ, and lucky for him, his public drunkenness charge was dismissed.

Shia has now been sentenced to anger management and one-year probation and he has to undergo alcohol evaluation and pay $2,680 in fines.

The night of his arrest, the 31-year-old allegedly got into it with another guy after he was refused a cigarette. Police cameras later recorded the arrest, and ultimately captured Shia unleashing a nasty and racist rant to the officers.

He has since apologized for his actions.


