• 8 years ago
Today Annie orders another American Girl Doll with her money that she has saved from her birthday, Christmas and the tooth fairy. \r
Also, we are excited to announce that we are starting a new channel. Be sure to subscribe to make sure you see the intro video to find out what its all about! \r
Preorder your official Bratayley backpack and lunchbox now! \r
Bratayley Baked Potato shirts are finally here! \r
Subscribe! Its free, ya know! \r
Most of you may know that Annie is a gymnast. You should definitely check her channel out if you didnt know \r
Calebs channel is a work in progress. He posts videos occasionally \r
Our Official Links:\r
See our pictures on Instagram @officiallybratayley @iamabakedpotato @presshandstands\r
Follow us on Twitter @Bratayley\r
Be our friend on FaceBook\r
Our Playlists:\r
Shout-Out Videos\r
Messiest Vids\r
Dayley Bratayley\r
Annies Gymnastics\r
Goodbye to Spring\r
Josh Woodward\r
Royalty free music by\r
Order your new Official Bratayley Merch, it is here!! \r
We will be answering your mail!! Send all mail to:\r
1783 Forest Drive #259\r
Annapolis, MD 21401


