• 7 years ago
From the dangerous Hel of Norse mythology, to Mot, who greeted souls, here are 13 Creatures and Gods of the Underworld. \r
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6 - Yama \r
In Hinduism, Buddhism and the Shino religions, this creature is the king of Hell. In Hinduism he was the first man, but transformed into the lord of the dead after refusing to conceive a child with his sister, the first woman, after his childless death, he could not continue his cycle of rebirth and was cursed to remain forever in the land of the dead as its ruler. In Buddhism he is the ruthless ultimate judge of the dead, sending rotten souls to the eight Hells, dishing out torturous punishments to those who were evil in their lives, he is said to be very cruel. Yama may be the king of Hell, but he is still subject to karma, as he is also being punished with eternal torments in the realm of the Netherworld. \r
5 - The Furies \r
The Three Greek monstrous goddesses of vengeance and retribution, who punished mortals for crimes against the natural order. A victim seeking justice could call down the curse of the Furies. Their worst punishment was reserved for parents who committed heinous s against their children, this curse, was the tormenting plague of madness. Murderers might suffer illness or disease, a nation harboring such a criminal would be plagued with hunger and poverty. These daughters of Gaia were described as hideous snake-haired monsters with terrifying black bat-like wings, who pursued unpunished criminals and inflicted tortures and punishments on behalf of their brother Hades, God of the Underworld. The wrath of these demonic creatures could only be quelled with the rite of purification and the completion of an atonement task issued by the three Furies. \r
4 - Cerberus \r
From Greek mythology, this creature was the Hound of Hades, a monstrous three-headed demon dog who guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from escaping. Homer described this creature as the brazen-voiced hound of Hades, who fawns on those that enter the House of Hades, but eats those who try to leave. This beast only had an appetite for living flesh, deceased spirits would pass by him when they died and journeyed into the Underworld, any mortal foolish enough to attempt to cross the boundary usually ended up getting eaten. The three heads symbolise past, present and future, though some myths say youth, adulthood and old age. And, as shown here, Cerberus makes for a truly cute puppy Halloween costume. \r
3 - The Headless Horseman \r
European folklore paints this haunting figure as a demon from the underworld, while others insist he was a human killed in battle, his head blown off by a cannonball, who returns to our world Halloween night as a vengeful spirit of malice and death. In Ireland, the Dullahan is a headless demonic fairy who rides a black horse and wields a spine from a human corpse as a whip. In German tales, the wild huntsman blows a horn which signals a premonition for death to any who hear its otherworldly call. Some German and Indian folklore casts him as a hero with a pack of black hounds with tongues of fire, he is a spirit born from violent deaths, who punishes the very worst of criminals. The most iconic story of this demonic creature is in the Legend of Sleepy \r
2 - Washer Woman \r
These Scottish fairiesas messengers from the underworld, by delivering omens of death to any who are unlucky enough to encounter them. These female creatures wander near empty streams washing the blood off the grave clothes of people who are about to die. Some stories say these sinister spirits belong to women who died in childbirth. These creatures of the underworld are described as having one nostril, one big tooth, webbed feet and long hanging breasts, they typically dress in green. Legend has it, that if you ask them nicely, they will answer three questions for you about your destiny, but only after you answer three of theirs. Be warned, you may not like their answers to your questions. Washer Women can also tell you the names of people you know who are about to die.\r
1 - Mot\r
This Semitic god of death was the literal jaws which greeted souls of the departed as they journeyed into the afterlife. Mot would swallow evil souls into his realm of the netherworld, a dark muddy place inside the bowels of his stomach, there he would digest those who were wicked in life for all eternity. Mots appetite was so gluttonous, even the other Gods feared being swallowed by his tremendous gullet and would often avoid this strange malevolent God of death. Hollow.


