Bomb Wounds Ukrainian Politician as Assassination Plots Mount

  • 7 years ago
Bomb Wounds Ukrainian Politician as Assassination Plots Mount
The Ukrainian authorities have mostly blamed the Russian secret services for plotting the killings — which were carried out with bombs and in one case by an assassin who got close to his targets through a sophisticated ruse — although the police suggested
that one recent bombing was related to an organized crime dispute.
Oleh Lyashko, the leader of the Radical Party, told local news media
that Mr. Mosiychuk had been singled out for his "political positions," and that "it is obvious this is the work of enemy special services, because the job was professional." There were conflicting reports on Wednesday as to whether the bomb was hidden in a car or a motorcycle, and photographs showed the damaged remains of both at the scene.
The politician wounded on Wednesday, Ihor Mosiychuk, a populist member of Parliament with the far-right Radical Party, had
just stepped out of a television studio after giving an interview; the explosives were set off as he exited the building.
25, 2017
MOSCOW — A bomb exploded Wednesday evening on a street in Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, wounding a prominent politician
and killing his bodyguard in the latest in a series of elaborate assassination plots in the city.
In one instance, a would-be assassin got close to his targets, a husband
and wife who were soldiers in a Ukrainian paramilitary unit, by posing as a journalist seeking an interview for the French newspaper Le Monde.
The police offered no immediate motive for the attack,
but Mr. Mosiychuk was a pugnacious figure engaged in the politics of the war in eastern Ukraine who had publicly baited and insulted Russian politicians.