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Ps2 games on android| Hello Friends\r
in this video I will show You How to play Ps2 games on android device\r
How to download wwe new on android=\r
video edit by Power director app=\r
Just wanted to share how to download a PS2 Emulator for your android phone.\r
Obviously its still in it early stages, but its being worked on frequently. \r
Were almost there! Soon well be playing PS2 at full speed on our phones, crazy.\r
If you want to see more videos like this, or updates for the PS2 emulator, please subscribe!\r
***You will need a .zip app from the Play Store, I recommend 7Zipper, and Simple Unrar. A file manager is also good to have!\r
n this video you will know how to play the ps2 on android devices\r
it very easy to install ps2 on android just follow this video and dont forget to subscribe to my channel \r
thank you techriver\r
download links\r
ps2 emulator:\r
You can play playstation 2 on android, NO ROOT NO INTERNET\r
Link download Playstation 2 emulator (PLAY!) \r
Ekstr your file game to iso with zarchiver app\r
Link download zarchiver apk \r
Some answers to most common questions regarding this video.\r
Q: Why is the game running so slow & why am i getting the black screen?\r
Ans: Because the app is in development stage and is not fully developed. This is just a beta version. Most games are not playable currently.\r
Q: How to Extr .iso file from the 7z/rar file ?\r
Ans: 1. You can use ES File Explorer in order to extr the .iso file from 7z/rar file. \r
2. You can extr the file using pc.\r
IMP: Make sure to copy the .iso file to the play folder.(You dont have to extr the .iso file itself, just copy the .iso file to the play folder)\r
Q: Why am i getting parsing error?\r
Ans: Because your android is not supported. The app requires Android 5.0 or above in order to work. (Not tested on 4.4.4)\r


