National Archives Release Files on John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

  • 7 years ago
National Archives Release Files on John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
focused its attention on gathering information about the new president, Johnson, who “was practically unknown to the Soviet Government.”
The National Archives on Thursday released a final batch of government documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
director discussed his agents’ early findings — a call Oswald had made to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City
and a letter he had sent to the Soviet Embassy in Washington — and says they could “complicate our foreign relations.”
Mr. Hoover calls the killing of Oswald “inexcusable” in light of “our warnings to the Dallas Police Department” and hints at Ruby’s mob connections, which would soon spawn an industry of research and speculation: “We have no information on Ruby
that is firm, although there are some rumors of underworld activity in Chicago.”
Paging through the documents on Thursday night was a little like exploring a box of random documents found in an attic.
From Mr. Trump’s memorandum:
The American public expects — and deserves — its Government to provide as much access as possible to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records (records) so
that the people may finally be fully informed about all aspects of this pivotal event.
• The federal government just released thousands of documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
Mr. Hoover sent a memo to the White House more than three years after the assassination summarizing
information in the F. B.I.’s files about how the Soviet government responded to Kennedy’s death.


