15 Foods You Wont Believe Exist

  • il y a 7 ans
From Pigs Blood soup to some of the most expensive grossest food, here are 15 foods you wont believe ually exist! \r
15 Foods You Wont Believe Exist\r
10 - Parental guidance advised… \r
Should you ever find yourself in Beijing, with a spare $220.00 lying around, why not head over to the Penis Restaurant. There you can order yourself a Yak Penis, however – if you dont have as much as that, you can find other penises for around $110.00. There are also certain penises that cost over $1000.00 like the Tiger Penis which sells at $1500.00. \r
The Yak Penis is also known as “Dragon in the Flame of Desire” and is apparently very good for your skin as well as the added bonus of a bit of a potency boost as well. \r
One Yak Penis coming up… \r
9 - Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac… \r
And Im beginning to wonder if the Chinese are on to something. Male ual health and aphrodisiac qualities are given to the sea cucumber, due to its phallic shape and the f that it uses a defense mechanism which is very similar to a man ejaculating, as it literally stiffens and squirts out a spray of water. \r
To eat a sea cucumber is also a sign of wealth and prosperity, and besides being considered an aphrodisiac to eat, they are said to have anti-aging qualities. There are around 40 different types of edible sea cucumbers in the ocean. \r
8 - King of fruits… \r
Is what the Durian has been classified as, and its hard to imagine this being true – but its said that the fruit smells so bad, that its banned from certain hotels and even public transport in parts of Southeast Asia. A combination of turpentine, onions and smelly gym socks. Yum! Cant wait to try it… said no one ever! \r
Anthony Bourdain calls it “indescribable… your breath will smell like youd been French kissed by your dead grandmother”\r
The flesh of the fruit is eaten raw or cooked, and used in various traditional dishes and candies. \r
7 - Too much money too few brains… \r
Seriously, because by buying a bowl of Birds Nest Soup is going to set you back by as much as $100.00. The harvested nests sell for around $10 000.00 / kg! \r
Its quite a task to get though. You have to get to the edible nests of the swiftlet, which are very high up in dark caves. So it can be very dangerous. The nests are very hard to begin with and they dissolve a little when boiled. The nests are said to enhance the health of lungs, help prevent coughs, and promotes longevity. \r
6 - Just plain cruel… \r
This dish is called Sannakji, and right before your eyes, the chef takes a live octopus and chops it up. He sprinkles it with sesame seeds, and you eat it right away – sometimes whilst some of the pieces are still jumping about. \r
5 - Tradition goes out of the window… \r
With these Swedish Pancakes known as blodplatter aka blood pancakes. The ingredients include whipped blood, some rye flour, onion, butter and dark molasses. They are kind of like black pudding, but just thinner and crisper. Delicious with a serving of reindeer meat… Think I will stick to my cinnamon and sugar pancakes thanks. \r
4 - Blood is thicker than water… \r
And in this case it couldnt be more true, as pork blood is the main ingredient in this serving of soup. Found in quite a few places, including China, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Singapore and even Thai Restaurants in the states – Pigs Blood soup also contains the intestine, liver and heart! \r
3 - For the more adventurous … \r
Try a portion of pulsating gonads from a sea urchin. The best part is, you dont even have to travel to some exotic, foreign country to try it. There are certain places in LA and San Diego that are serving these nasties. \r
Dont be fooled by its thorny outside, open it up and find the gonads soft and squidgy inside, and then you just gulp them down. Just like that… if youre lucky, they will continue to wriggle all the way down your throat! \r
2 - Forget greengage and strawberry Jelly… \r
Try Turtle jelly when youre next in Asia! A summertime favourite, believed to make you cooler and give you a smoother skin, this jelly is sadly made by the boiling of powdered tortoise shell with some herbs, and then letting it evaporate. Other properties include: Reducing fatigue, flushes away toxins, helps problem skin, improves metabolism. The 3-lined box turtle used to be the firm favourite, but its now on the endangered list… crazy to think isnt it? \r
1 – Worth the wait? \r
18 months is the length of time needed to prepare, preserve and ferment this dish. Its called Kiviaq and comes from Greenland, and what happens is that the skin of a seal is stuffed with hundreds of birds. They are then left to decompose while encased in the seal fat. \r
After the 18 m
