Top 6 things : India and whole world learned about China in Hindi

  • 7 years ago
Six things we learned about China in Hindi

If you learn everything from your own mistakes then life will also fall, then you should learn some things from other mistakes too.

As China is number two in the GDP today. Surely, the rest of the world should not learn from China, how did she come so far? Now do not say here that by making cheap products, this is known to the whole world. Rather, why are they so cheap, why do they bring them by saying? all of this...

Everyone believes that China does not create anything new, they always make copies. But everywhere you can learn something new. So today at the level of China, I do not know how long it will stay, but today you can learn something from them, there are some topics which everybody should learn.

1) Everyone knows that China has a huge hand in the robot world and China has tested it several times and continues to do it. So that more and more work is done by a robot. And China had set up the most industrial robots in 2016, compared to the rest of the world. And in that too China bought a third part of the world's total robot alone.

A mission named "Made in China 2025" has been released to create an automatic industry in Future. Under which 27% shipment and 90 thousand units have been started. In which China has started making its own Intelligent Machine. According to Bloomberg's report, it can interfere with the global economy due to China's automation increasing. Meaning the whole world economy will shake, this is such a big project.

2) How big is China's digital payment market? So China's digital payment market is 50 times larger than the US Digital Payment Market. But according to the Ten-cent report, China's mobile and the media's large market has seen a decline in cash transfers. In 2016, the Chinese Consortium had transmitted 5.5 trillion dollars from the mobile payment platform, and it consisted of mostly young groups and women. In the we-chat of China's social platform, 52% of the users said that we do 5 parts of the transaction in the cash transfer, the rest of the digital payment.

3) China is building the world's most powerful laser. Make a brand new citizen complex, "Station of Extreme Light". And 20 times more powerful laser light will be used. That is, with this laser you can get accurate information about stars and black holes.

4) China has run towards AI, meaning Artificial Intelligence. And China already has two fastest supercomputers in the world. According to Bloomberg, according to Bloomberg, China has three advantages: a large number of engineers to make software, a large base of 751 million Internet users to test the software, and most importantly Support of the government and the government of the government support

5) China's innovative company is not digital. In the list of Forbes Top 100 Innovative Companies, China's Highest Ranking Rank is not a Tech Company but Biotech. Shanghai RAAS blood product, which imposes new technology for health care, which is the fourth largest in the world. In total, they have 6 companies, in which Tencent is at 24th, KKC Material Group at 47th, online travel firm Strip at 55th place, Search Engine Leader Baidu at 60th, and Medicines Supplier Jiangsu Hungrui Medicine 82 They are at number.

6) You can do the job of calling a pollution report and a drone in China with a mobile app. Well, in the global drone market, 70% of the drones are from China alone. In India, the use of drones is only for shooting the camera, but China uses a drone in a lot of places, such as to check the complaints of people about pollution, to fireworks in the sky, to break the crackers For And the drone is used to sprinkle medicines on crops.

So, with all these things, you have come to the conclusion that according to the work that is done in today's date, it is going to be a strong country, and even economists across the world say that in the coming times, China and India is such a country that will carry the world economy in its fist.
