Rose McGowan Narcotic Found On Plane, Item Identified As Cocaine

  • 7 years ago
Rose McGowan is facing arrest after airport police found traces of narcotics she allegedly left on a plane earlier this year, and now reports confirm the substance is cocaine!
Virginia Commonwealth Attorney’s Office spokesperson Heather Williamson said, “The warrant is for ‘Possession of a Schedule 1 or 2 Controlled Substance’ and that substance is listed as cocaine.”
Previously, 44-year-old McGowan — who recently accused Harvey Weinstein of raping her in 1997, helping to spark the current firestorm against the sexual predator — was issued a warrant “relating to a felony possession of drugs.”
“She arrived in Washington, D.C. at Dulles airport on a flight on January 20, 2017, and she left behind a personal item that was later picked up and reported to our police department by our employees,” Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department spokesperson Rob Yingling said Monday. “Upon examining the item, they found traces of a substance that was later identified as a narcotic.”
“They took whatever evidence they had to the local magistrate in Loudoun County Virginia,” noted Yingling. “Based on the evidence presented, they obtained a signed warrant on February 1, 2017, with the charge of Possession of a Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 Narcotic.”
The charge against McGowan, who had gone from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. to attend the Women’s March, is a felony.
After finding out about the warrant yesterday, McGowan addressed the possible arrest on her Twitter account, blasting, “Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia. What a load of HORSES**T.”
The post Rose McGowan Narcotic Found On Plane, Item Identified As Cocaine appeared first on Star Magazine.


