In this painting tutorial I show you paint the Darkoath Chieftain from the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower game using the Citadel range of paints to do so.\r
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You will need the following paints for this tutorial:\r
Lahmian Medium\r
Bugmans Glow\r
Cadian Fleshtone\r
Kislev Flesh\r
Reikland Fleshshade\r
Ungor Flesh\r
Khorne Red\r
Carroburg Crimson\r
Evil Sunz Scarlet\r
Fire Dragon Bright\r
Abaddon Black\r
Eshin Grey\r
Skavenblight Dinge\r
Stormvermin Fur\r
Nuln Oil\r
Administratum Grey\r
Rakarth Flesh\r
Seraphim Sepia\r
Ushabti Bone\r
Mournfang Brown\r
Warpstone Glow\r
Moot Green\r
Coelia Greenshade\r
Ceramite White\r
Balthasar Gold\r
Warplock Bronze\r
Agrax Earthshade\r
Sycorax Bronze\r
Nuln Oil\r
Runefang Steel
You can support me for as little as $1 a month over on my Patreon page:\r
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You will need the following paints for this tutorial:\r
Lahmian Medium\r
Bugmans Glow\r
Cadian Fleshtone\r
Kislev Flesh\r
Reikland Fleshshade\r
Ungor Flesh\r
Khorne Red\r
Carroburg Crimson\r
Evil Sunz Scarlet\r
Fire Dragon Bright\r
Abaddon Black\r
Eshin Grey\r
Skavenblight Dinge\r
Stormvermin Fur\r
Nuln Oil\r
Administratum Grey\r
Rakarth Flesh\r
Seraphim Sepia\r
Ushabti Bone\r
Mournfang Brown\r
Warpstone Glow\r
Moot Green\r
Coelia Greenshade\r
Ceramite White\r
Balthasar Gold\r
Warplock Bronze\r
Agrax Earthshade\r
Sycorax Bronze\r
Nuln Oil\r
Runefang Steel
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