越南豬頸肉撈檬 - 宗教與信仰 Bún Thịt Nướng - Religion and Faith

  • 7 years ago
In thisIll be making Bún Thịt Nướng - a Vietnamese cold vermicelli, and religion will be the topic of the day.\r
二人份量/ For two people:\r
紅蘿蔔1條 - 1 Carrot\r
白蘿蔔1/4條 - 1/4 Daikon radish\r
糖5茶匙 - 5tbsp of sugar\r
鹽1茶匙 - 1tsp of salt \r
白醋半杯 - half a cup of white vinegar\r
暖水1杯 - 1 cup of water\r
蒜3瓣 - 3 cloves of garlic\r
紅蔥頭1個 - 1 shallot\r
香茅1條 - 1 stalk of lemongrass\r
豬頸肉2塊 - 2 pieces of pork jowl\r
白胡椒粉半茶匙 - half a tsp of white pepper\r
魚露2湯匙 - 2tbsp of fish sauce\r
糖3茶匙 - 3tsp of sugar\r
蠔油1湯匙 - 1tbsp of oyster sauce\r
蒜3瓣 - 3 cloves of garlic\r
紅辣椒3條 - 3 red chillis\r
青檸檬1個 - 1 lime\r
糖2湯匙 - 2tbsp of sugar\r
魚露3湯匙 - 3tbsp of fish sauce\r
暖水1杯 -1 cup of warm water\r
蜜糖1湯匙 - 1tbsp of honey\r
紅蔥頭1個 - 1 shallots\r
蔥花 - chopped green onions\r
鹽半茶匙 - half a tsp of salt\r
青瓜半個 - half a cucumber\r
檬粉(越南粗米粉)- Vietnamese vermicelli\r
薄荷葉 - mint leaves\r
花生碎 - crushed peanuts


