• 7 years ago
This is my attempt to try and make sense of what in my opinion looks very much like political bedlam in Washington. The events occuring all over the world today did not just reveal themselves to us in a vacuum. Everything and everyone of the Geo-political events from middle-eastern refugees to the political oligarchs in Washington have their place rooted into current events from at least the last 40 years without a doubt. I am going to continue along the linier
progression into the Reagan administration into George HW Bush and on throughout each successive administration along the way. Nothing going on right now has devoloped as an end of and by itself but rather it is the ever changeing attitudes and public opinion that will graduarally shape international policy through party politics and the influence being fused into any one and all of the US administrations foreign policy agendas. These policy changes are a function of what is understood as the united states imperial Empire position relative to the collateral effects of being the single most important nation state on the Globe. Policy changes are a never ending examination of that whitch is best for the continued position as Empire of the world and that which is best for the survival and better advantage therein. When we examine the events and facts from the not so distant past and honestly attempt to evaluate those facts without assumptions we are much better equipped to investagate truth for the sake of truth and more likely receptive to truth rather than the usual op-ed engaged with shifting present events into the familiar narrative that best suits political attitudes and incentivized propaganda
