How to catch a Razor Fish or Razor Clam. Bern shows how to catch a Razor Fish on Sword Sands in Langstone Harbour near Portsmouth USING SALT!! (Thats .
We went on to the sands again today and caught loads of razor fish. This is my brother this time getting a good one. To use this video in a commercial player, .
The top of Razorfish burrows show in different ways and knowing how to recognise a burrow is one of the secrets of how to be successful at collecting them.
What Shorehounders do for supper... Alice Meynell - Beachcomber.
We went on to the sands again today and caught loads of razor fish. This is my brother this time getting a good one. To use this video in a commercial player, .
The top of Razorfish burrows show in different ways and knowing how to recognise a burrow is one of the secrets of how to be successful at collecting them.
What Shorehounders do for supper... Alice Meynell - Beachcomber.