• 8 years ago
Episode Summary: Jim and Jane explore a watchtower on Skeleton Island but end up leaving the map there and must go back to retrieve it. However, the pirates learn of this and plan to get the map before they do.

Notes from Uploader: Well the end of the episode seems interesting. I mean this is the first time Long John acts selfless toward Jim, though it doesn't last sadly. I had often wondered if the writers were too afraid to make Silver an eventual heel face turn, which stunk pretty much. Still, after this episode, the rest of Season 1 'til the 13th episode just becomes a bit more episodic and filler-like. Another thing, I had often wondered if the weasel pirate that worked with Long John was the series' equivalent to Black Dog or something? Guess we'll never know. Also Pew briefly appears in this episode.

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The Legends of Treasure Island (c) Filmfair


