• 8 years ago
Worlds Strongest Engine 48 requested by Jaydn Conlon, Calib Gardner, DOUGLAS AND OLIVER 100 and ToadieTolls39\r
Salutations from the Trainground. Today we have Emily, Henry, Thomas, Arthur, Caitlin, Murdoch, Lady, Stanley, Original Thomas, Percy, James, Gordon Edward, Spencer, Samson, Flynn, Ferdinand, Dennis, Mike, Toby, Peter Sam, Connor, Gator and Flora competing for the Worlds Strongest Engine competition number 48. May the strongest train win!\r
First Round Matchup: \r
Emily vs Henry\r
Thomas vs Arthur\r
Caitlin vs Murdoch\r
Lady vs Stanley\r
Original Thomas vs Percy\r
James vs Gordon\r
Edward vs Spencer\r
Samson vs Flynn\r
Den vs Dart\r
Arry vs Bert\r
Diesel vs Diesel 10\r
Dodge vs Boco\r
Ferdinand vs Dennis\r
Mike vs Toby\r
Peter Sam vs Connor\r
Gator vs Flora\r
Thomas and Friends Stories:\r
Trainground Extras:\r
Worlds Strongest Engine:\r
Worlds Fastest Engine:\r
Last Engine Standing:\r
Music Credits\r
Waunobe March, Electrodoodle, Fiddles McGinty, Nano Hoedown, Adventure Meme, The Builder - Full Mix- Kevin MacLeod\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\r
8-Bit March by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (\r
Artist: \r
Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (\r
Source: \r


