• 8 years ago
Think “fixies” and your mind likely wanders to pedaling the streets of Brooklyn, the hills of Portland, or alongside a Dutch canal. Now that Natooke is a name in our address book, fixies will forever be synonymous with biking the back alleys of Beijing.The custom bike shop is a cycling institution in the Chinese city, and was the first fixie shop in the country. Opened by famed German cyclist Ines Brunn back in 2009, the shop's whole ethos is inspiring healthy living and a greener take on urban commuting.The long and short of it: If you're a cyclist in Beijing, this is your spot. Natooke allows you to fully customize and outfit your ideal city ride, and builds the bike for you according to all your specs. The shop is also located in the up-and-coming Wudaoying Hutong which gives it some major street cred. And if you're traveling to Sichuan province, Natooke just opened a sister shop in Chengdu.Oh and word from the wise, the shop also sells items you can't find anywhere else, like Respro anti-pollution masks. Trust us, in Beijing, you'll need 'em.


