• 8 years ago
If you enjoyed this, please press the like button for more! Minecraft Jurassic World 2 uploads every Saturday at 8 AM PST!\r
Official Playlist: \r
You can watch Minecraft Jurassic World Ep 1 and many other Minecraft videos!\r
Minecraft Jurassic World is made possible by the following Minecraft mods and people:\r
JurassiCraft (Main Minecraft mod used in this ): \r
Amazing People:\r
Ashleyositys Channel: \r
Builder: \r
Builder: \r
Builder: \r
Music by Kevin MacLeod\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License\r
Theme Music: Title: I.Y.F.F.E. - Jurassic\r
Listen on Spotify: \r
Video Link: \r
A team of archaeologists/paleontologists are assigned to investigate a primitive village where there have been recent discoveries of ancient Minecraft dinosaur fossils. Thisis a Minecraft school for Dinosaurs, both the viewer and I can learn about Minecraft Dinosaurs in an interive, educational way. Jurassic World 2 is coming out soon with Chris Pratt and am really excited to see it! Many of you have been requesting the Indominus Rex! Before we can do that, we must first have the ability to create a basic security carnivore enclosure. We just got our Jurassic Park Jeep Wrangler in order and ready to showcase to our Minecraft neighbors! Until then, the Minecraft Indominus will have to wait! We investigate the possibility of a Minecraft Indominus Rex in this !


