How to break down a haunch of venison.With this video i show you how to get a higher yield from the hind leg of a deer.The Venison Haunch is broken down, into its 3 muscle groups, then trimmed and tied, the shank is french trimmed, and the rump/sirloin tip is, steaked, resulting in more manageable/usable cuts, which equals less waste, and more kitchen friendly roasting joints.\r
This method can be used on any species of deer to great effect\r
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TheScottReaProject.All About The Butchery,Preparation,And Cooking Of,Great British,Meat,Fish And Wild Game.By Scott Rea.Master Butcher/Fishmonger.Former Butcher Of The Year.Self Taught Cook/Frustrated Chef.Cooking Simple And Delicious Seasonal Dishes Through The Year.Pleased To Meat You..
This method can be used on any species of deer to great effect\r
Many thanks.\r
Please Subscribe to my channel by clicking on the link below, as new videos released every week.\r
TheScottReaProject.All About The Butchery,Preparation,And Cooking Of,Great British,Meat,Fish And Wild Game.By Scott Rea.Master Butcher/Fishmonger.Former Butcher Of The Year.Self Taught Cook/Frustrated Chef.Cooking Simple And Delicious Seasonal Dishes Through The Year.Pleased To Meat You..
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