• 8 years ago
Hi friends, So many Chupa Chups Lollipops! 200 lollipops are on the wheel so there is plenty to share,my fav was raspberry,but i did not taste all the flavours so i .
Hi friends:) I am back with some more Chupa Chups! I just love them,i am so happy with the Cool Friends Frog,i had lots of fun today,thanks for watching friends:) .
Join Ryan ToysReview as we do another Candy Review and taste Giant Chupa Chups Lollipops, Gummy Joker Tongue, Toy Toilet Candy Sour Flush , Gummy .
Hi friends, the gummy joker tongue looks so funny when it is in my mouth Lol! I cant believe how big the lollipop is, its awesome!! Hi friends, you can send me .

