Catalonia’s Independence Bid Shows Signs of Strain as Coalition Splits

  • 7 years ago
Catalonia’s Independence Bid Shows Signs of Strain as Coalition Splits
Catalonia’s three main separatist parties are expected to win 66 of the 135 seats in the regional Parliament — resulting in a loss of six seats
and the majority they have held since 2015 — according to a survey by the pollster GAD3 published by La Vanguardia newspaper.
Catalonia’s elections were scheduled for Dec. 21 by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, whose central government took administrative control of Catalonia,
using emergency constitutional powers, shortly after Catalan separatist lawmakers voted for independence from Spain on Oct. 27.
8, 2017
MADRID — Almost two weeks after Spain’s government took control of Catalonia,
the restive region’s independence movement is showing some signs of strain.
Mr. Puigdemont argued in a Catalan radio interview from Brussels this week
that the two parties should again run on a joint election platform — or risk losing to politicians who favor remaining part of Spain.
It was also intended to deal a decisive blow to the independence movement by showing
that Madrid was committed to handing control back to Catalan politicians — but ones, it hopes, who favor keeping the region firmly anchored within Spain.
The judge could order jail without bail, following the lead of a judge from Spain’s National Court who
issued a similar order for eight former members of Mr. Puigdemont’s cabinet pending a full trial.
