So, About That Wonder Woman Film.

  • il y a 7 ans
Even in a film like Wonder Woman, which is being championed for its strong female leads and having a woman director, the lack of women of color is very revealing in the way that it showcases how modern white feminism is steeped in racism; the elevating of white women while leaving out of women that are not white. \r
As roles for white women increase, the roles for women of color remain stagnant. Theres no trickle down effect happening like white women like to pretend, theres no baby steps happening, and its a clear message of white women being acceptable onscreen because their whiteness. Their whiteness comes first; their whiteness imps their gender just like my blackness imps my gender. \r
Stop with the lies and the nonsense like white women are representative of all women and seeing them represented is somehow a win for us. Its not. This is the sweet spot where race and gender intersect, as we continue to see over and over again the black women are not viable onscreen. Black women (and other women of color) do not benefit IN ANY WAY from white female representation.\r
Thanks for watching.\r
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The Newly Revealed Amazon Women From DCs Wonder Woman Movie Are All White:\r
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