• 7年前
Top Documentary Films: Destruction by Asteroid\r
There is a lot of exciting things happening in the stars above us which make astronomy so enjoyable. The truth is the universe change regularly, moving, some would say living thing simply because you never determine what youre going to see on any given night of stargazing.\r
But of the numerous celestial phenomenons, theres probably none as exciting as that time you observe your first asteroid traveling in the heavens. To call asteroids the rock stars of astronomy is simultaneously a poor joke but a precise depiction of how astronomy fans view them. Unlike suns, planets and moons, asteroids are traveling exciting and dynamic.\r
Just like rock stars, asteroids have been completely given their great number of urban myth and lore. Many have assigned the extinction of the dinosaurs to the imp of a massive asteroid on the planet. This theory has some reliability and, if its true, it brings up some pretty startling images and foreboding fears in the present reining species on planet, the human race.\r
The truth that asteroids are fast moving space debris that only makes their mobility and ivity more fascinating and exciting. Unlike a moon, planet or star, the chances that an asteroid could hit the planet are entirely acceptable and in f, there are numerous documented cases of small asteroids making it through our atmosphere and leaving some pretty impressive craters in the planet surface.\r
Popular culture has happily embraced the thought of an asteroid imp. The theory has spawned many a science fiction story adding the concept that alien life forms may ride asteroids to our own world and initiate a war of the worlds situation. But certainly, probably the most mentioned concept which has captured the imagination and also the fears of science fiction fans and everyone is of some other asteroid striking the planet that may eliminate life as theoretically happened to the dinosaurs. In f, the film Armageddon took its origin from this concept that somehow humanity could avert that disaster with technologies.\r


