Top 9 most hated video game charers

  • 7 лет назад
Joshua - Tries to destroy the world because people dont conform to his standards (this guy was originally number 1, but there is hidden story in the world ends with you that i missed that might have redeemed him)\r
Luka - An anoying brat who turns on you with the worst plan ever: he wants to get revenge on earth for his mom getting her killed in earth defense war II by teaming up with the people who killed her. (I gave him a pass because he learns his lesson in an admittedly touching scene) Not to mention he hogs the story a lot. (now that i think about it, i should have put him on the list)\r
Maxwell - Gifted with the power to create any object, he decides to give a homeless guy a rotten apple\r
Esma - Completely full of her self and s like she runs Morgucorp, despite only being second in command\r
Starlow - At the beginning of the game she never shuts up about tutorials\r
Ortensia - She has a grating voice and in a side quest you can choose wether to bring her kids to the ice cream shop or her house. Bringing them to her house is considered the good option despite her kids being miserable if you bring them there and being happy at the ice cream shop. Unlike ortensia, Bertrand (the ice cream man, not the guy from inFAMOUS 2) was a pretty nice guy. In f, I think i should have put her on the list instead of Yen Sid.\r
Yami - Despite being the Emperor of Eternal Darkness, he barely does anything until you fight him. also in the Ark of Yamatos backstory Yami didnt really do anything, Orochi pretty much did all the work.\r
Redd - You have to jump through so many hoops just to get to his store, and once youre there he sells you forged paintings.\r
Captain Syrup - Steals all of your money at the end of the game, rendering your entire quest pointless


