Loading audio and video media in Android Projects

  • 7 лет назад
Demonstrating how to use audio and video media files in an Android application with the use of a SeekBar to show how to use Thread.sleep() to allow for animation of a Widget. Demonstrating how to create a SeekBarListener and override required methods. Basic explanation of how to implement a Java interface with multiple examples including anonymous class instances and within the main class itself.\r
Table of Contents:\r
00:40 - Review the .xml layout files\r
02:23 - Use the raw folder for media\r
03:16 - Activity files\r
03:42 - Note the use of Runnable in the header\r
04:10 - Declaration section\r
04:36 - Widget initialization\r
04:42 - Use of a static method\r
05:11 - Using the Thread object\r
06:03 - Listeners are interfaces too!\r
06:30 - stopButton - reload the sound into the player\r
07:18 - VideoButton - other screen\r
07:46 - SeekBarListener\r
08:00 - required interface methods can be empty\r
08:27 - Update SeekBar by user input\r
09:10 - Runnable interface means we MUST have a run method\r
10:09 - Thread.sleep for waiting\r
11:55 - Start App\r
12:10 - Start music and animation\r
12:57 - sound scrubs as dragged\r
13:45 - stopButton resets\r
14:10 - Code linked to app events\r
15:53 - Options for changing seekBar\r
17:08 - Swap to the other screen\r
17:51 - MediaController for video\r
19:58 - Use the setupMedia method to link the player and properties\r
20:35 - Android handles all Video concerns\r
20:49 - VideoActivity in ion\r
22:34 - Project Review
