Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

  • 7 years ago
Can My Children Be Friends With White People?
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous dream of black and white children holding hands was a dream precisely because he realized
that in Alabama, conditions of dominance made real friendship between white and black people impossible.
That his political life started with denying, without evidence,
that Barack Obama is American — that this black man could truly be the legitimate president — is simply ignored.
Mr. Trump’s bruised ego invents outrageous claims of voter fraud, not caring
that this rhetoric was built upon dogs and water hoses set on black children and even today the relentless effort to silence black voices.
But the deepest rift is with the apologists, the “good” Trump voters, the white people who understand
that Mr. Trump says “unfortunate” things but support him because they like what he says on jobs and taxes.


