Ancient Egyptian Mummy Wearing Golden Mask Uncovered Near Cairo

  • 7 years ago
It was recently announced that a team of researchers working roughly 50 miles outside of Cairo discovered a mummy wearing a detailed, blue and gold burial mask.

Archaeologists have been unearthing ancient Egyptian treasures for decades, but there are still wonders to be found.
It was recently announced that a team of Russian researchers working roughly 50 miles outside of Cairo discovered a mummy wearing a detailed, blue and gold burial mask, reports Newsweek.
The mask, constructed of layers of hardened papyrus, depicts a sky god, and paintings over the chest area feature the goddess of health. Images of area wildlife cover the feet. 
According to the Times of Israel, it's been dated to the Greco-Roman period, which extended from 330 BCE to 670 CE. 
The mummy's coffin reportedly did not weather time well, and is described as having cracks throughout its base and top.
In a statement, Egypt's antiquities ministry said emergency preservation work was done on the burial vessel before transport.
The mummy itself is said to have been well-preserved, but it, too, was treated before being moved. 


