• 8 years ago
One of the main problems I have while swimming breaststroke is that I do a very wide kick. On this video I will show you some exercises I worked on to get better at kicking in breaststroke.

The most common way fo practicing the kick is with a board. But I really don’t like this method because of the posture of the head and chest. This is not a natural swimming position. That is why I like kicking on my back even for breaststroke kick. Try this exercises and use your core to stay afloat and make sure your knees are not coming out of the surface too much.

The next exercise is breaststroke with three kicks. After you do a normal breaststroke stroke just dive deeper with your hands and kick three times. This will help you to kick faster. If you don’t kick fast enough you will start going up to the surface. This will also help you find your balance. Use your core muscles to keep a good horizontal direction while you do this drill.

Finally, what has helped me the most is putting a pull bouy between my legs and doing breaststroke kick like this. This is very useful because if you open your knees the pull bouy will fall off. You have no option but to kick in a narrow tube. You won’t be swimming like this during your normal breaststroke swim but sometimes it is good to exaggerate the movement to fix a mistake in your technique.

Just look at my kick before and after I tried this kick. now the challenge is to do that drill often until it becomes natural to do a narrow kick, even during a swim meet.

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