Meditation for cardiac arrhythmias

  • 7 лет назад
Meditation for Cardiac Arrhythmias\r
This guided meditation provides a simple tool (the creation of a relaxation trigger) for coping with the stress of having an irregular heartbeat. It is not a treatment for the arrhythmia.\r
It is strongly advised to check with your healthcare pritioner before using any alternative or complementary methods, especially if you have not received a diagnosis for your arrhythmia. This guided meditation is not intended to replace conventional medical care, but to complement it. Please do not listen to this while doing something that requires your focus and concentration such as driving a vehicle, or operating heavy equipment etc. By following this meditation you agree that you do so at your own risk.\r
If you are repeating the meditation and wish to go directly to the start of it, then it is at approximately 2:42.\r
Tips for a successful meditation:\r
Comfort: suitable, supportive seating, loose clothing, moderate room temperature. Have a snack beforehand if necessary so youre not disturbed by a grumbly stomach. Likewise visit the bathroom first, and have a small drink of water.\r
Quiet: the fewer background noises, the better. Turn off audible alerts/ring tones on cell phones, tablets or computers. Put out a ‘Do Not Disturb sign. This is YOUR time. Keep pets out of the room unless you know for sure they will not disturb you for the duration of the process (about 20 minutes).\r
Reduce the light level in the room.\r
If something itches during the process, then go ahead and scratch it: its better to get it over and done with so you can return your attention to the process, than sit there distred, hoping it will stop. Likewise if you have to cough, sneeze or blow your nose. Just do it, and immediately return to where you were.\r
Heart image source:Fotolia\r
Music: “Untold Depths” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.


