Why Are We Here- Sadhguru

  • 7 years ago
Answering a question as to what is our purpose on this planet, Sadhguru explains that nothing in the Universe, from the planet to the stars to the solar system, has happened haphazardly. The fundamental nature of creation, which allows it to function perpetually, is the perfection of its geometry. He also speaks about evolution, both from the Darwinian standpoint, as well as evolution as it was propounded in ancient Indian systems.


Transcript: http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/video/w...

Questioner: Only one question Guruji. We the human beings in the Earth,

are by chance or by choice of God or any super power?

Sadhguru: Why we are on this planet? (Laughter)

Questioner: By accident or by design of super power?

Sadhguru: I think even the planet is wondering why the hell these human beings came here. (Laughter) See, the solar system, the way it is and so as the other universal systems, the galaxies, they are all happening because they arrive at a certain perfection of geometry. Geometry, in the sense – right now, this planet is going around the sun. It’s found its perfect orbit. So it’s going and going and going, not powered by engine or something. See, the airplane is going powered by engines, it’s being pushed. This is not being pushed. This has just found a certain perfection of geometry and it’s going on. The day it loses its perfection of geometry, if it loses the line of orbit, it’s gone. So in this process, life happens on this planet also involving this geometry, on various levels. We say in the yogic culture, we say a human being is physiologically and in terms of brain, has reached his peak physiologically, that is after million years you will not a horn coming out of your head or something else… like the tail disappeared, something else will disappear, this cannot happen. We are saying this from a certain context.

Today, the modern neuroscientists are saying similar things. They are saying the size of the neuron in the human brain can neither increase, nor can the wiring inside can increase because the physical laws don’t permit it. The laws of physics do not permit it. I will not go into the detail of that. To put it very simply, how we see it is, your birth here – right now, all life on this planet is solar powered, isn’t it? Yes? It is the sun’s energy which is doing all this. Human… and also the… the revolutions and the rotations of the moon also has influence upon us. The very ocean is rising and falling with the movement of the moon. Only because our mothers’ bodies were in tune with the cycle of the moon, we are born and we are here. Yes?. If these twenty eight days cycle of the moon does not repeat itself in a woman’s body, you and me wouldn’t be born.

So because it has reached that, we say, physical… the physical laws have come to a certain place where life upon this planet, cannot evolve further. You can make use of what you have in a much better way. Using the same technology, we had a dumb phone, then we had a smart phone now we have iphone, like this we can go on improving it, how we use it. But the fundamental physical laws will not permit any further evolution of this creature.
