Democratic Party About To Implode After Obama Admin Just Threw Clintons Under The Bus In Major Way

  • 7 years ago
BREAKING: Democratic Party About To Implode After Obama Admin Just Threw Clintons Under The Bus In Major Way

The Democrat party loves to portray themselves to the American public as a united front fighting for the disadvantage and the so-called oppressed in the country. Though with just a little digging that comradery facade falls apart like a cheap suit from Walmart. Ever since President Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton last year, the Democratic party has been in shambles with no clear leadership which has led to infighting in the already fractured party. With President Trump draining the swamp and closing in on the scoundrels in Washington D.C. that have been actively destroying our country top Democratic officials are turning on each other to save their skin.

And, that is precisely what just happened when advisors from Barack Obama’s administration stepped forward to torpedo the Clinton clan which could finish the already floundering Democratic party for good.

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