Yoga Stretches: Free Video, Triangle Pose

  • 16 years ago
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YOGA POSE VIDEO: Triangle Pose
Lucas Rockwood of YOGABODY Naturals demonstrates trikonasana and parivritta trikonasana, triangle and reverse triangle pose, from the Ashtanga Yoga primary series.

This is a simple posture, but it’s extremely powerful for stabilizing your knees and ankles, increasing flexibility in the hips and shoulders, hips and hamstrings.

Yoga Poses

Step your feet shoulders’ width distance apart, point your front toe, and turn your back foot in at a 45 degree angle. Using two fingers, clasp your big toe on the front foot, straighten both legs, both arms, and reach for the ceiling.

With your eyes, look up. Breath deeply with a whisper sound, in and out through your nose for at least 5 breaths.

Yoga is a lot more than flexibility, but when you’re stiff and stuck in your body, it’s important to put your focus there so you can move on. YOGABODY Naturals has a free, 7-day email course that reveals the secret connection between food & flexibility.
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