Title track from the forthcoming The City and Horses record, "We Will Never Be Discovered", to be released on Paper Garden Records, September 27, 2011.
Video by le contremaître et sa contremaîtresse (http://www.facebook.com/contremaitres )
Produced by poisson pirate production (http://www.toutcontre.com) and kennedy james (http://www.dontstareatthesun.com)
Purchase the album here: http://www.papergardenrecords.com/shop/the-city-and-horses
Find The City and Horses on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/thecityandhorses
Find them on Twitter here: http://www.twitter.com/cityandhorses
Video by le contremaître et sa contremaîtresse (http://www.facebook.com/contremaitres )
Produced by poisson pirate production (http://www.toutcontre.com) and kennedy james (http://www.dontstareatthesun.com)
Purchase the album here: http://www.papergardenrecords.com/shop/the-city-and-horses
Find The City and Horses on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/thecityandhorses
Find them on Twitter here: http://www.twitter.com/cityandhorses