Proudly Bizarre Baby Announcement & Karate Gender Reveal

  • 7 years ago
An adult man wearing a diaper that balances on a ball and plays fire spouting bagpipes is a strange combination of things to include in a sentence, let alone see. The Unipiper has been featured on the show before, but the purpose of his latest video is to announce that he's gonna be a dad soon. He's even got a gift registry if you'd like to show appreciation for his weirdness. 

Then, we have a martial arts mamma-to-be. Micaela Lopez has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years and wanted to use those skills to reveal the gender of her baby. Her man Mark Duarte, who she met while training at their dojo, waits in anticipation as Micaela smashes the wooden boards to reveal a cloud of blue dust. That's gonna be one tough kid.