Armed Men Take Up Positions in Luhansk Amid Separatist Power Struggle

  • 7 years ago

Armed men in unmarked uniforms took up positions in the center of Luhansk, Ukraine, on November 21, in what appeared to be a power struggle among the Russia-backed separatists who control the city, RFE reported.The region’s separatist leader said the move was part of a revolt by supporters of a police chief who was dismissed the previous day. The police chief denied he was fired, and said his forces were working against what he called a Ukrainian “sabotage” group with links to separatist authorities in Luhansk, RFE said.The city is part of an area seized by the separatists in April 2014, following the ouster of Ukraine’s Kremlin-backed President Viktor Yanukovych.Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian government was following the situation but he was not ready to disclose the Kremlin’s views on the situation, Reuters reported. Credit: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty via Storyful
