• 8 years ago
Celebrities are reacting to the news of Matt Lauer being fired for inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace… and they’re not letting him off the hook.

Rose McGowan tweeted a simple message: Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Matt Lauer.

And Kathy Griffin says he’s been on her list for a while and that she pretty much recites the list in ever show.

Rosie Perez was shocked to hear that Matt Lauer was fired over alleged inappropriate sexual behavior yet how do we reconcile with the fact that Trump is still president?

And speaking of Trump, he of course chimed in too.

He tweeted out that Matt Lauer was fired but he wants to know when will the top executives at NBC and Comcast be fired for putting out so much fake news. Then he wants everyone to check out Andy Lack’s past.

Then he tweeted again and asked when Joe Scarborough will be getting the boot… and made mention of the unsolved mystery that took place in Florida years ago.

For those of you that don’t know, that’s a roundabout way of saying he wants the political pundit investigated for murder.

We’re pretty sure this is long from over.


