A New Beginning For The Off Grid Project - Our New Home

  • 7 years ago
My wife and I moved to a new 18 acre homestead in Michigan to start our new off grid lives.

We brought all of our solar panels and equipment from the old homestead with us so that we dont have to completely start over.

We got two fully loaded homes and a garage in the deal. It was a very good price too with low taxes. It was listed at 15 acres but some math showed me it was actually 17.8 acres.

The houses were vacation homes and were loaded with appliances, plates, silverware, furniture and the works. The garage was also fully loaded with everything you can imagine.

I had immediately ordered two Amish sheds to use as an electronics shop and a wood shop. The electronics shop was immediately delivered so that I can start setting up my office.

This will be dual purpose as my office and electronics shop. And this is where my solar power battery bank will be housed.

I am uploading all of our videos from the day we moved to our new homestead to the present. When you have the background story, I will continue to upload our videos and share our articles as we make them.

Please subscribe and follow our daily videos as we strive to become self sufficient and fully off the grid on a budget.
