أسماك الصخور الأكثر رعبا فى الأعماق-Stonefishes Synanceia

  • 7 years ago
أسماك الحجر فى#Wild_Secrets
stone fish هى من أخطر الحيوانات المائية التى فى معظم الاحيان تسبب مشاكل للغطاسين عندما لا يدركون انها قريبة منهم
وتم منحها تقييماً كبير فى أستراليا لانها من الاسماك التى تسبب أصابات شديدة لمعظم الغطاسين بسبب عدم رؤيتها لأتقانها فن التخفى بطريقة مثالية
وفى بعض حالات الاصابة من سمكة الحجر#stonefish تؤدى ألى الموت بسبب كمية السم الذى تحقنة فى جسم الانسان فكن دائما حذر أذا كنت تغطس فى اعماق البحار
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Stone Fish in#Wild_Secrets
stone fish is one of the most dangerous aquatic animals that most often cause problems for divers when they do not realize they are close to them
It has been given a great assessment in Australia because it is a fish that causes severe injuries to most divers because of the lack of vision to master the art of concealment in an ideal manner
In some cases of stone fish lead to death due to the amount of toxin injected into the human body, always be careful if you are diving deep in the sea
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00:05Did you know that there are people who deal with toxic and lethal fish
00:08These fish can kill a person from one bite
00:11Did you know she was carrying on her back
00:14Very serious poisons
00:17They do not approach humans, but humans are close to them
00:21Stay with us and we will know the strongest poison concentration
00:23In the seabed after a small break
00:52Stonefish Synanceia
00:58It is one of the most poisonous fish
01:00They are located in the coastal regions of India and the Pacific
01:04She is the most important member of the most dangerous family members
01:07On humans compared to poison
01:09Synanceia is primarily based on some of the known species of its species
01:12It has a strong poison
01:14It excretes from the glands at the base of the dorsal fin spines
01:17Which is similar to needlework
01:19The base of thorns on her back consists of 13 thorns
01:22Short in length, thick in textures
01:25Stick to the body if you feel annoyed or threatened
01:28Synanceia derives its ability to camouflage
01:30They camouflage themselves in grayish paint
01:33Similar to the stone color
01:35Swimmers may not notice their presence
01:37Because of the position of the camouflage taken
01:40They may inadvertently advance from them
01:42Causing the fish to disturb and be a threat to pressure them
01:47And they start to pump a quantity of poison
01:50Commensurate with the amount of pressure applied to them
01:53Here the swimmers feel great pain
01:55Of the sting effect and move away very quickly
01:58The bite of Synanceia is very painful too
02:00Sometimes they are fatal
02:02According to the amount of poison that is pumped to the human body
02:05The most effective treatment against the bite of Synanceia
02:08The heat is applied to the affected area by the bite of Synanceia
02:11With anti-toxin use
02:14People have used hot water
02:17At a temperature not exceeding 45 ° C
02:20It is poured on the infected area that is found
02:25From the sting effect to destroy the StoneFish poison
02:28This causes minimal discomfort to the victim
02:31And in more extreme cases
02:34Vinegar has been used as an anti-poison as it is said to relieve pain
02:37The bites of the stone fish. Settled in Australia. It is the most toxic in the world
02:42To the drowsiness and in some cases lead to death
02:46Often they can not be easily seen
02:48They look similar to rocks or coral
02:51Stone fish can survive
02:54Out of water for up to 24 hours
02:57Number of cases recorded from bites of fish
03:00In one year
03:03From July 1989 to July 1990
03:05Are 25 cases
03:08An anti-toxin serum was used for stone fish
03:12Most cases were from Queensland
03:15Like her scary reputation, she is fit for food
03:17For humans if cooked properly
03:20The venom in its fin collapses rapidly
03:23If heated and cooked well
03:26They are often used in many people's favorite sushi meals
03:30They are simply introduced after the fins are removed
03:32Which is a source of poison in Stone Fish
03:36These fish are the most delicious meals
03:39In many parts of Asia
03:40Including southern Japan, China and Hong Kong in the Hokkien region
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