League of Legends: Kled - Gameplay 1

  • 7 years ago

Kled needs to go HAM. The Cantankerous Cavalier wants only to bring death to his foes, and Skaarl's courage system rewards Kled for sticking through a fight, even after the reptilian steed abandons its manic yordle master. To remount Skaarl, Kled has to take risks and play aggressively—if he manages to earn back the lizard-critter's trust, he can ride back into battle renewed by his buddy's fresh health bar.

In lane, Kled's strength fluctuates depending on whether Violent Tendencies is available. When it's up, the Cantankerous Cavalier can smash opponents with his empowered autos, but the ability goes on cooldown for a bit after it's activated, leaving Kled to depend on his other abilities to deal any meaningful DPS.

Since Violent Tendencies can't be toggled on or off and activates as soon as Kled uses a basic attack, inexperienced Kled players will often find themselves frenzying all over a harmless minion wave, even when it would have been better to save the frenzy for a more threatening opponent. For this reason, Kled will want to carefully farm using his other abilities if he thinks he's likely to engage an enemy champion in the near future.

Once Kled decides to go in for a trade, Jousting helps him stick to his target with ease. For trades that could go south, Kled will be able to just Joust back out after he's displayed his Violent Tendencies.

If Kled goes "too HAM" (if there is such a thing) and Skaarl abandons him, he's got two options to get his buddy back: retreat back to base like a damned coward, or do as the voices in his head keep telling him and GO MORE HAM. If the Cantankerous Cavalier goes after an enemy champion, he'll have a limited supply of bullets in his Pocket Pistol to regain Skaarl's confidence and bring it galloping home to papa.

If he's smart, Kled will closely watch Skaarl's courage bar and bait in opponents just as he remounts the yellow-bellied lizard to gain back his second health bar. With access to Jousting and Chaaaaaaaarge!!! restored, Kled'll be set to lock in the kill.

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