25. Making Deep Tracks (_Ai-_Ais Richtersveld Transfrontier Park)

  • 7 years ago
Now that they have visited the richest of all deserts in the world in terms of biodiversity, and they have seen the oldest paintings in Africa, they are ready to visit the biggest canyon on the continent. All of that while following the spoor of the Big Snake! Traveling across seemingly endless plains, the explorers finally make their way to the Fish River Canyon, the biggest in Africa.

According to legend, the Big Snake created the deep canyon with its twists and turns when people chased it through the desert. Treading carefully closer to the edge, they learn about geology and how the canyon was shaped through the eons. That night, they make camp on the precipice of the cliffs and tell stories of the Big Snake around a campfire with a mixture of skepticism and belief.

The next morning, leaving some tired explorers behind at the Zebra Bus, Oompie and three of the team members descend into the canyon to touch the waters of the Fish River. They make it back to the top just before dark. Finding the confluence of the Fish River with the Great !Gariep, or Orange River, they are ready to start the last leg of their journey to the mouth of the river.
