How the Tide Turned Against Roy Moore in Alabama

  • 7 years ago
How the Tide Turned Against Roy Moore in Alabama
Residents in Birmingham, Mobile, Huntsville and Montgomery, which have high populations of black residents
and young professionals, turned out in unusually high numbers, and Mr. Jones won more than 60 percent of the vote.
Mr. Trump won Lee County, home to Auburn University, with 58 percent of the vote; Mr. Moore won just 41 percent.
These are counties that are at least 75 percent white, and where at least 20 percent of residents have a college degree.
The belt of predominantly white counties that were Mr. Trump’s most enthusiastic backers
appeared to be the most demoralized: Turnout was down 45 percent from a year ago.
Big cities, college towns and black communities sent a wave of energized voters to cast
ballots for Doug Jones, the Democratic Senate candidate, in Alabama on Tuesday.
