EpicTV Weekly 29: Ghetto MTB, Surfer Taj Burrow, Skipper Francois Gabart, Toxic Outerwear

  • 5 years ago
00:40 The latest version of the completely-insane-downhill-course-through-a-third-world-ghetto video comes to us from Taxco, Mexico. Mauricio Taka Acuña follows Brendan Fairclough down a course he eventually won on. Two words: Total. Madness.
01:56 At press time, Frenchman François Gabart has held a narrow lead since the start of the Vendee Globe round-the-world sailing race. We wanted to run this interview with him ASAP because after the fleet suffered two crashes and at least two skippers calling it quits in less than two weeks, it's clear that things change pretty quickly in this neck o' the woods.
04:00 Some say Taj Burrow was new school while today's new school was still in diapers. At the O'Neill Coldwater Classic, Taj proved he's still one of the world's best surfers by winning the event. EpicTV Surf Editor, Dave Mailman, interviewed the Aussie to find out what makes him tick.
05:56 For years, we've known that manufacturing outerwear ain't the best way to say thanks to Mother Nature for all the great times she's provided. And now Greenpeace has just released a report that tells us things are worse than we thought! EpicTV Environmental Editor Cira Riedel gives us the lowdown on the report and tells us where to go to learn more.


