EoT - GLORIOUS (BalconyTV)

  • 6 years ago
EoT performs the song "GLORIOUS" for BalconyTV.
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Eot je karlovački alternativni/rock/metal bend nastao 2015.godine. U jesen 2016. godine bend izdaje prvi album za nezavisnu diskografsku kuću Spona pod nazivom ''Defibrilacija'' s kojeg su objavljeni singlovi: ''Balkanska fiskultura'', ''U čemu je bit'' i ''Bye bye''. Glazba koju EoT izvodi EoT, kako sami navode, inspirirana je širokim spektrom glazbenih utjecaja, od klasike pa sve do modernih pravaca 21. stoljeća.

EoT from Karlovac is an alternative / rock / metal band formed in 2015. During 2016, the band released three singles for independent record label ''Spona'': ''The Balkan Physical Education'', ''What’s the point'' and ''Bye bye'', followed by their first album ''Defibrilacija'' released December 2016. Music performed by the EOT, as they say, is inspired by the wide range of musical influences, from classical to modern trends of the 21st century.


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