Shooting Parakeets in London

  • 7 years ago
We are out after ring-necked parakeets which have been stealing fruit in the London suburbs. The film appears on AirHeads episode 24, the popular fortnightly airgun TV show on YouTube. Ring-necked parakeets and monk parakeets are newly on the 'general licences', which lists pest birds. The government had to rush in the general licences after the EU banned all bird shooting. Initially, there were hardly any changes to the licences but in recent years, the government has used them to restrict shooting, which is a sport as well as a vital pest control service. The ring-necked parakeets are a rare example of the government adding to the list. Free use. Please credit:

For still images from this film, visit

This item appears in AirHeadsa, episode 24. To watch it on YouTube, go to

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