• 6 years ago

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The HeliBASE 74 series is dedicated to our friend and professional wingsuit pilot Mark Sutton.

It's Day 1 of HeliBASE 74, the first event of its kind, gathering 23 of the world's best wingsuit pilots for three days to video them in their element in pursuit of noncompetitive enjoyment of this remarkable, elite precision sport.

The first four helicopter loads of the day produced some fantastic flying from pilots like Vincent Descols and Mike Swanson, but it all came to a sudden halt when Mark Sutton, one of the expert pilots in load 5, failed to make it back to the landing area...

HeliBASE 74 is a 4-part web series launching Wed, 25 September with new episodes every week. For part three, check back next week at www.epictv.com

Wingsuit Community Flies On, In Honour of Mark Sutton | HeliBASE 74, Ep. 2

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