• 6 years ago

Most people's idea of Hell is having to dangle from a rope with one arm, hundreds of feet above the ground. What if your fingers cramped or a rock fell on your head? Mich Kemeter does this and he isn't worried - he does it for fun.

Mich shows us the concentration and commitment needed to walk out across a highline, jump off it and hang from one arm, all very calmly. Mich solos a highline in Steinplatte, Austria.

Austrian athlete Mich Kemeter has free-soloed climbs up to 8a and holds several records and first crossings in the highlining world. Follow him as he travels through France, Austria and Italy, climbing and highlining without ropes, but with confidence.

Life-Risking Freesolo Highline in Austria | Freesolo, Ep. 5

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