• 6 years ago
AGNES MILEWSKI performs the song "STUPID CUPID" for BalconyTV.
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Agnes Milewski's new CD seems to me almost to have arrived on the wrong planet at the wrong time. On this small part of the world (Austria), she has produced something of profound worth: Austria at the moment seems to be celebrating its female singer-songwriter artists, albeit fleetingly, hmmm, the only snag is none of these much lauded artists can boast of Milewskis maturity and breath of resolve, to produce something more than the usual bleatings of "I wanna be a pop star" mentality.
This extraordinary young woman is attempting something that has become almost too difficult, purely through the integrity of her art to attempt success in a time of "manipulated favorites" in the pop scene.
Her songs range from relatively straight-forward pop structures to complex jazz/classical forms, which make her music that much more fascinating. Lines of her songs echo days and weeks after one has heard them.
What more can one expect from a true artist?
Why should an intelligent and talented young woman like Agnes bother to get noticed nowadays, with literally thousands of others presenting their talents daily on the internet? Not because she wants some kind of 15 minutes à la Andy Warhol, but because she has no choice. Like all true artists, this young lady doesn't have a choice. She must write, compose and sing for her life.

Agnes Milewski's new CD seems to me almost to have arrived on the wrong planet at the wrong time. On this small part of the world (Austria), she has produced something of profound worth: Austria at the moment seems to be celebrating its female singer-songwriter artists, albeit fleetingly, hmmm, the only snag is none of these much lauded artists can boast of Milewskis maturity and breath of resolve, to produce something more than the usual bleatings of "I wanna be a pop star" mentality.
This extraordinary young woman is attempting something that has become almost too difficult, purely through the integrity of her art to attempt success in a time of "manipulated favorites" in the pop scene.
Her songs range from relatively straight-forward pop structures to complex jazz/classical forms, which make her music that much more fascinating. Lines of her songs echo days and weeks after one has heard them.
What more can one expect from a true artist?
Why should an intelligent and talented young woman like Agnes bother to get noticed nowadays, with literally thousands of others presenting their talents daily on the internet? Not because she wants some kind of 15 minutes à la Andy Warhol, but because she has no choice. Like all true artists, this young lady doesn't have a choice. She must write, compose and sing for her life.


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