• 6 years ago
KAMAE YASUNORI performs the song "NEE" for BalconyTV.
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ARTIST : KAMAE Yasunori / 構 康憲 (かまえ やすのり)

KAMAE Yasunori is a singer-songwriter and guitarist born in Kanda, Tokyo on April 2, 1982. He started his solo career in September 2010. He mainly performs at live music clubs in Tokyo and actively takes part in various events. In addition, he works on commercial songs and theme songs for companies.

In December 2012, he sang "Kita-no-Kaze to Taiyou to" for NHK Minna no Uta (Songs for Everyone) and released his second maxi single "Kita-no-Kaze to Taiyou to", including "mirror", the official theme song for S1 Server Grand Prix and "Dareka ga dareka no Santa Claus", a TV commercial film song for Tokyo Midtown Christmas. In December 2014, he achieved a successful one-man live show at WATERRAS COMMON HALL. These days he performs with other artists like Tetsu and Tomo, OKU Hanako, and SAKATA Osamu at Minna no Uta Concert.

His song "I'll be there for you: Omoi, Kodama-shite" is included in the album "Sugitetsu Presents hashire! Yumenochotokkyu gakudan Super Express 50th Anniversary Album", which received the Planning Award at the 56th Japan Record Awards.

Vo.& Gt. 1982年4月2日生まれ 東京都神田出身 B型


2012年の12月、NHK みんなのうた「北の風と太陽と」(2012年12月~2013年3月まで放映)を歌唱し、同月5日にはS1サーバーグランプリテーマソング「mirror」、東京ミッドタウンクリスマスTVCM曲「誰かが誰かのサンタクロース」を含む全3曲入りのマキシシングル「北の風と太陽と」をリリース。

2014年の12月には”神田 ワテラスコモンホール”での単独公演を大成功に終わらせ、現在はNHK音楽番組『みんなのうた』が主催する”みんなのうたコンサート”にテツ and トモ、奥 華子、坂田おさむらと一緒に出演中。

また昨年末レコード大賞「企画賞」を受賞したアルバム「走れ!夢の超特急楽団」(キングレコード)にも自身の楽曲「I’ll be there for you~想い、こだまして~」で参加している。

TRACK : Nee / ねえ

A man who was always seeking after his own dream and slighting his loved one has a presentiment of a breakup with her. He realizes how important and kind she is to him. He tries to communicate his feelings toward her. "Just listen to my feelings, my dear.


WEBSITE: http://kamae.jp/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KamaeYasunori
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/yasunori.kamae
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/YasunoriKamae

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